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Rep.DeFazio Speaks Out Against the Republican Tax Plan on the House Floor
Rep. DeFazio's Floor Speech Against the Republican Plan to Replace the ACA
Rep DeFazio Blasts the Republican Healthcare Plan on the House Floor 3-16-2017
Rep. DeFazio on Republican Tax Plan
Rep. Peter DeFazio speaks in opposition of the GOP Budget
DeFazio speaks on the floor about fiscal conservatism. 02-24-2009
Rep. Peter DeFazio on the Tax Wall Street Act
Rep. Peter DeFazio's Opening Statement
Peter DeFazio Says Building New Highways Is 'Not Working' And GOP Is Failing To Look To 21st Century
Floor Speech by Rep. Peter DeFazio, Safe Climate Caucus (March 12, 2013)
Rep. DeFazio speaks about Ryan Budget on the House Floor
Rep DeFazio Floor Speech on #GOPTaxScam